7th Bookfest 2012 @ Malaysia (第七届海外华文书市)

If you are not aware of it, then it is still not too late now!! The 7th Bookfest @ Malaysia coorganised by POPULAR and Sin Chew Jit Poh is now running its course from 18 Aug (Sat) - 26 Aug 2012 (Sun) at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC).

The annual book exposition is deemed the largest in the region, with similar Bookfest expositions held in Singapore and Hong Kong. English and Chinese books from local authors as well as foreign authors are featured in the exposition for all to feast themselves on. Leading publishers from the East (China, Hong Kong, Taiwan) and the West (UK, USA, Canada) as well as local regions (Malaysia, Singapore) all showcase their latest titles for all to choose from.

Unfortunately though, there is a RM2.50 entry fee but this is not required for students under 18 or senior citizens over 60. More information could be obtained through Bookfest's official website below. With such a big area to get lost in, the official website provided a floor plan for easier navigation, which I have pasted below as well. One shall not miss the opportunity to grab their favorite titles or genres on their way out!

Too bad I couldn't get myself to there, so do indulge yourselves to your best on my behalf! ^_^"

Date:           18 (Sat) - 26 (Sun) Aug 2012
Admission:  10 a.m. - 10 p.m. daily
Entry fee:    RM2.50 per entry; free for students up to and under 18, and senior citizens up to and above 60; season ticket is available at RM10.00 for interested parties who wish to enter everyday

Location:     KLCC Hall 1 to 5 (Ground floor) and Grand Ballroom (Level 3)
Website:      http://bookfestmalaysia.com

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